Infant/Toddler Care

The relationships we build with the infants and toddlers we care for last well beyond business hours. When we work with infants, we are developing much more than just their crawling or social skills. Our nurturing and loving care helps to develop a bond with each child that lasts forever. Nothing brings joy to our Honey Bears staff quite like seeing the little ones we work with return to our facility years later with a smile and a hug for the dedicated childcare professionals who helped them take their first steps- literally and figuratively- on their path to growing up.

A Loving And Caring Environment

Many of us do not have the luxury of being able to spend every day with our young children. However, just because many parents of young children have to work doesn’t mean their children can’t receive genuine loving care in their first days and weeks outside of the arms of their parents. Honey Bears’ trained staff ensures that your infant or toddler is both loved and developed in a safe, nurturing environment.

For the entirety of the day, our childcare professionals will attend to your child in the ways they need. When a cranky infant seems overtired, gently rocking the infant to sleep with a soothing lullaby could be exactly what that child needs to enjoy the rest of his or her day. Other times, when an infant is happy, the perfect opportunity for a teachable moment could present itself, such as learning to crawl, color, or take turns with others.

Every day presents an opportunity to make a difference in a young child’s life. We don’t view the infants we work with as clients or customers. Instead, we view each infant as a special, unique member of the next generation that will one day go on to achieve greatness- and we believe that those achievements start here, in a loving and caring environment that helps them reach many of their early milestones.

Facilitating Positive Early Growth

To say that babies grow up fast is an understatement. The physical, emotional, and mental growth that we all undergo in our first 24 months of life is truly astonishing. It’s also in that window that we are the most dependent on others, and the values that are instilled in us at that age can last throughout our lives.

The infants we care for are taught the values of care and love for each other by being shown these values on a daily basis. For most infants, true learning is done by demonstration as opposed to explanation. By demonstrating what true care and love look like in our own interactions with small children, they are able to learn how to emulate the right types of behavior, attitude, and values in their interactions with others.

Children With Special Needs

Honey Bears works with children with a variety of different types of special needs, including Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Angelman’s syndrome, and more. We maintain a therapy room for children who have been assigned therapists for occupational, physical, etc; so that these therapies can be made part of their school day.